10 STARS! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I would like to thank IDC and their three techs that came out to do mitigation on water damage in the house. Drew, Ed, and Sergio did an outstanding job of demo, mold remediation, and clean up. They were professional, courteous, respectful, and very knowledgeable about all they were doing. They listened to our concerns for wife’s hypersensitive mold allergies. We were able to sleep in our bedroom after treatment and thus minimally inconvenienced. No smells in the bedroom! See the Master Hall entry photo (water damage was from master bath). Convenient zipper entries on each side to isolate from rest of house. Their attention to detail is outstanding. The next morning when collecting the drying equipment, they did very thorough moisture checks and when a questionable area was noted, they removed and treated. (They could have grabbed their machines and gone on). Thank you gentlemen! I automatically chose them as the contractor for our repairs as well. OUTSTANDING! JOB WELL DONE!
- L. Bruenning
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